In functional programming, pure functions are functions whose return values are determined only by its input values. It is sometimes said that such a function invocation does not have any state. However, this is not entirely true. Even a pure function invocation needs to have at least some execution state – the current state of evaluating the expression that defines that function. Due to the fact that this state is hidden from the caller and cannot be observed, a pure function invocation can be considered stateless in functional languages.

Similar to a subroutine invocation, a coroutine invocation (i.e. a frame) also has its respective execution state. Again, this execution state exists even if the computation inside the coroutine is pure (does not have side-effects). However, unlike the state of a subroutine invocation, coroutine execution state can be observed. This observable mutable state is inherent to all coroutines, and is the consequence of having the yieldval statement. In this section, we will see different ways of interacting with this state.

Coroutine instance state

After a coroutine instance is created with the call keyword, it does not immediately start executing. Instead, a newly created instance is in a suspended state, and must be resumed by calling the resume method on it. Consider the katamari coroutine, which yields the words of the theme song from the popular video game:

val katamari: Int ~~> (String, Int) = coroutine { (n: Int) =>
  var i = 1
  while (i < n) {
    i += 1
  yieldval("Katamari Damacy!")
  i + 2

With our newly acquired knowledge of coroutine data types from the previous section, we know that this coroutine’s type must be Int ~~> (String, Int), since it has a parameter n of type Int – the number of "na" words to yield, yields String values and returns an integer denoting how many words were yielded in total.

Real Katamari connaisseurs will know which argument to pass when calling this coroutine! Below, we create a new katamari instance called c, and then immediately resume it in order to get our first "na":

val c = call(katamari(9))

The method resume executes the coroutine until either reaching a yieldval statement, or the end of the coroutine. It returns a Boolean value denoting which of the two events happened – if resume returns true, then a yieldval statement suspended execution. We can additionally verify that a yieldval statement produced a value by calling the hasValue method. Unlike resume, calling the hasValue method does not change execution state. If hasValue returns true, we know that we can inspect the last yielded value by calling the value method. All this is shown in the following:

assert(c.resume) // moves the coroutine to the next yieldval
assert(c.hasValue) // asserts that the coroutine has a value
assert(c.value == "naaaa") // retrieves the preceding yielded value

Additionally, we can call the getValue method that returns This method returns an object of type Option[Y], where Y is the yield type.

for (i <- 1 until 9) {
  assert(c.getValue == Some("na"))

Another way to retrieve a value after calling resume is with the tryValue method. This method returns a Success if the value is available, and a Failure if the execution ended or resulted in an exception (more on that soon).

assert(c.tryValue == Success("Katamari Damacy!"))

The last resume call will return false, because execution reaches the end of the coroutine. At this point, calling getValue returns None, and calling value throws an exception. This makes sense – the coroutine did not yield any values this time. We can instead call the result method to get the return value.

assert(c.getValue == None)
assert(c.result == 11)

At this point we can double check that the coroutine ended with the isCompleted and isLive methods:


From all these different ways to interact with a coroutine, you might be overwhelmed, but don’t worry! Most of the time, you just need to remember that if resume returns true, you can retrieve the yielded value with value, and otherwise can retrive the resulting value with result.

If the coroutine yields control to the caller, the last yielded value can be retrieved by calling value. Otherwise, if the coroutine completes its execution, the resulting value is retrieved by calling result.

The textbook method of extracting values from a coroutine is, in fact, simple and super-convenient. To show this, we define the method drain, which takes a coroutine that emits strings, and, as long as resume returns true, adds strings to a buffer, and then concatenates those strings together. We can use the drain method to more concisely test the correctness of the katamari coroutine.

def drain(f: String <~> Int): String = {
  val buffer = mutable.Buffer[String]()
  while (f.resume) buffer += f.value
  buffer.mkString(" ")

val theme = "naaaa na na na na na na na na Katamari Damacy!"
assert(drain(call(katamari(9))) == theme)

The complete example is shown below.

Exception handling

Coroutines can also raise exceptions. When an exception is raised inside the coroutine, it gets propagated as far as possible along the call stack, just like an ordinary exception would. If the exception propagation reaches the bounds of the coroutine instance, the exception is stored as part of the coroutine instance state, and the instance completes without a resulting value.

To illustrate this, we consider the following definition of the kaboom coroutine.

case class TestException() extends Throwable

val kaboom = coroutine { (x: Int) =>
  try {
    sys.error("will be caught")
  } catch {
    case e: RuntimeException => yieldval("oops")
  throw TestException()

This coroutine starts by yielding its argument x back to the caller. Then, the coroutine raises an exception in a try block, which is successfully caught in the catch block. The coroutine then yields the value "oops". Another exception of type TestException is then thrown, which is this time uncaught and terminates the coroutine. To verify that the kaboom coroutine executes as we expect, we run the following snippet:

val c = call(kaboom(5))
assert(c.value == 5)
assert(c.value == "oops")
assert(c.tryResult == Failure(TestException()))

Above, the final tryResult call does not return a Success value, because the coroutine did not terminate normally. Instead, tryResult returns a Failure value that contains the uncaught exception.

Every coroutine instance terminates by either producing a result, or by raising an exception. If the coroutine instance terminates with an exception, the exception is not rethrown by the resume method, but is raised when calling the result method. The tryResult method can also be used to retrieve the exception.

The complete example with exceptions is shown below.


Things to remember about the coroutine lifecycle and the respective lifecycle-related operations are the following:

  • A coroutine instance is started in suspended state.
  • A coroutine instance is resumed with its resume method.
  • If resume returns true, then a value was yielded. You can check the last yielded value with value, getValue and tryValue.
  • If resume returns false, then the coroutine instance reached its end. You can check the result value with result, getResult and tryResult.
  • A coroutine instance can complete normally, or with an exception, which is rethrown when calling result on an abnormally completed instance.

In the next section, we will learn how to make coroutine code more modular.